Ruby string singular If passed an optional locale parameter, Oct 31, 2008 · There are two main differences between String and Symbol in Ruby. When you are already using Rails, you can just use the singularize method without installing and requiring any gems. Examples: Apr 22, 2015 · There's really nothing wrong with using a regular expression here if that's your intent. empty? end end Then you can do String. I tried with python re. Convert string with hex ASCII codes to characters. start string on the next line after opening the heredoc, then end the string by using the delineator again on it's own line. If the optional parameter locale is specified, the word will be pluralized as a word of that language. Generally if you expect a string at this point in the code and a value is nil instead, that implies something unexpected has occurred and an exception being raised is appropriate. const_get will recursively perform a lookup on a namespaces like Foo::Bar. nil? Mar 8, 2016 · Excellent choice of method name. class String def present? !empty? end end Now you can write your code the following way: if some_condition # do something elsif variable. Dec 28, 2011 · /#{Regexp. That method accepts numbers as valid arguments to perform string replication. get multiple substrings from a string in Ruby. – Dec 27, 2011 · Ruby's inspect can help: "a\nb". Nov 9, 2022 · That's because classify works under the assumption that you're passing as parameter a table name, which are usually in plural and transform it to singular. Definition class String def split_on_last( text ) position_of_last_occurrence = self. 9. – Fernando B. That is not always the best goal. models are always singular, while databases are almost always plural. So you need either to make your own implementation or use an existing gem. Ask Jan 23, 2016 · I'd like to parse the string, pull out the name from the string, and assign it to a variable. I also want to solve the problem with Ruby and not RoR. Mar 20, 2011 · # minus_string. String is an Object so it needs memory allocation Jun 4, 2015 · I have this string : Rep. I'm not an native english speaker, so I'm not quite sure what's that specific rule where words in plural that finish with a, in their singular form finish with um, but what you want to achieve, it can be done with camelize: Oct 30, 2008 · If it really bugs you, monkey patch the String class or add it to a class/module of your choice. to_s + ' ' + type I want to dry that up; one line for two. string. Your string needs to be embedded in " to let this magic work, no 's. reverse # => "Marc-André" May 8, 2011 · In ruby 2. String objects differ from Symbol objects in that Symbol objects are designed to be used as identifiers, instead of text or data. foreach(filename). Cuts a couple of characters from the best approach until now, and will be very readable once endless ranges are regularly adopted. Jun 23, 2023 · As per Ruby convention, the Model name should start with a capital letter and be singular. Is there an easy way to do this? PS: I want to convert the string above as is. Then use the method singularize. Adds the rule to the beginning of the rules array so it takes precedence over existing rules. Jul 5, 2013 · @the Tin Man: That's good advice, and I thank you for it. You can achieve that with map or map! methods: I'm sort of new to regexs with Ruby, (or I suppose regex in general), but I was wondering if there was a pragmatic way to match a string using an array? Let me explain, say I have a list of ingredients in this case: 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 8 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese Dec 13, 2017 · I have tried converting both strings to integers using str. *(999999) where * is a method in the String class. query}"' It doesn't work; I need the final string to have the dynamic content wrapped in double quotes like so: 'text contains "candy"' Probably seems strange but the gem that I'm working with requires this. 0: str[index] → new Sep 19, 2014 · I'm trying to count the number of times a string appears in another string. Method: String#singular. Nov 24, 2011 · @Gary's advice holds if your goal is to minimize exceptions raised in this part of the code. cycle(3) creates an enumerator from the array that repeats the elements 3 times. This also works: string. script/generate model Story name:string link:string which is a singular Story, while when it is controller. rails generate controller Users rails generate model User name:string email:string Now open migration file Jan 21, 2010 · Newbie Ruby question: I'm currently writing: if mystring == "valueA" or mystring == "ValueB" or mystring == "ValueC" is there a neater way of doing this? Pretty elegant using the endless range introduced in Ruby 2. The protocol buffer compiler produces Ruby output when invoked with the --ruby_out= command-line flag. const_get. possessive. You are using Ruby 1. to_s }. Heavily inspired by halfelf's answer but permits more than just a single character, doesn't have a default param value and refactored for clarity. , I wasn't just planning on reading it line-by-line). Sep 1, 2023 · These helper methods extend Ruby's String class, seamlessly integrating into your development toolkit. . 0 and, possibly earlier releases, Object. Sep 6, 2023 · These helper methods extend Ruby's String class, seamlessly integrating into your development toolkit. 16) » Index » String » #singular. How would I do this with Ruby? Update: The string I used as an example was only an example. You can create a String object explicitly This is a complete guide to Ruby string methods & the String class. In this case, a + b + c, creates a new string. singularize # bonuse So, when I do a "has_many :bonuses", for example, it doesn't use the Bonus. So, the actual question is what the difference between "" and '' in Ruby. What is the fastest way to check if a string matches a regular expression in Ruby? My problem is that I have to "egrep" through a huge list of strings to find which are the ones that match a regexp that is given at runtime. For any other value of count the plural will be returned. Ruby on Rails 8. script/generate controller Stories index then the Story now is Stories, which is plural. To be clear it seems that string literals could be allocated 1 time each, where duplicates simply reference the first created instance. 9, Strings are encoding-aware sequences of characters, so you can just index into it and you will get a single-character string out of it: 'µsec'[0] => 'µ' However, in Ruby 1. Aug 25, 2011 · is there a more efficient way to do this? chaining 7 string manipulation methods together seems a lil crazy for ruby. values_at(0,2). Examples: Nov 2, 2010 · But I would like to name dynamically MyClass, from a string. rb model (since Ruby expects a Bonuse. blank?, and nil. 9, it returns an integer character code. For a deeper understanding and more examples, consult the official Rails documentation. The colon after the year is not a typo. downcase #=> "hello james!" Similarly, upcase capitalizes every letter and capitalize capitalizes the first letter of the string but lowercases the rest: You can use sprintf-like formatting to inject values into the string. Ruby has similar empty? method, but it differs from blank?, as we can see in the example below (this won’t work in plain irb): Feb 21, 2013 · I know this is a simple problem, but for some reason it wont click. As you mention, Ruby strings are mutable, so in Ruby you just do: stuff. I only care about whether the string matches the regexp, not where it matches, nor what the content of the matching groups is. Apr 6, 2012 · I need to split a string without removing the separators. For that the string must include placeholders. 0. nilorempty?(string) string. (We have multiple ways of doing it for flexibility and to ease the transition from other languages to Ruby. There is a small ruby gem called lucky_case which allows you to convert a string from any of the 10+ supported cases to another case easily: Oct 19, 2014 · String#chomp is often a safer alternative, as it leaves the string unchanged if it doesn’t end in a record separator. to_a. Ruby is just showing you the escape sequences when you inspect the string (which is why IRB does there). \u0092 is the escape sequence for this character. On Rails you can use the alias String#starts_with? (note the plural - and note that this method is deprecated). The reverse of pluralize, returns the singular form of a word in a string. 9, it returns the character itself. Supercharged Rails and Ruby String Helper Methods Below is a long list of the string helpers many developers use daily. split("(?<!')\. split('=', 2)[1] Again, not very elegant especially since split is doing extra unnecessary work. 最简单的字符串是单引号字符串,即在单引号内存放字符 Dec 1, 2014 · Prior to Ruby 2. The * means zero or more characters, if you want it to require one or more characters change the * to a +. Generated on Thu May 30 23:16:04 2024 by Jul 12, 2009 · What you want is pretty trivial to do, given ruby's open classes. quote or Regexp. That means loading one line at a time, instead of the whole file. (For example, Person. Have a play with rubular - it will become clear how things work. strip! # => "abc" What is the Ruby way to say trim it if it contains extra leading or trailing spaces without creating copies? string = "option=name=bob" string[string. reverse. -1] It just doesn't feel very Ruby. If the optional parameter locale is specified, the word will be singularized as a word of that language. I want to concatenate them all together, putting spaces between those that aren't empty. rb' in the console to test require 'minitest/autorun' class MinusString_Test < MiniTest::Test A,B,C='abra','cadabra','abracadabra' def test_C_eq_A_plus_B assert C == A + B end def test_C_minus_A_eq_B assert Mar 10, 2016 · any_string. It's really not a good practice to monkey patch core objects unless you have a really compelling reason though. Ruby 字符串(String) Ruby 中的 String 对象用于存储或操作一个或多个字节的序列。 Ruby 字符串分为单引号字符串(')和双引号字符串("),区别在于双引号字符串能够支持更多的转义字符。 单引号字符串. Ruby string concatenation; Ruby string interpolation; Concatenation looks like this: a = "Nice to meet you" b = ", " c = "do you like blueberries?" a + b + c # "Nice to meet you, do you like blueberries?" You can use the + operator to append a string to another. class String def self. will be escaped, since it's otherwise interpreted as 'any character'. -1] but if the string is less than n letters long, you get nil. to_i but Ruby treats the input as base 10, then combines those together with & into a singular value @VickyChijwani Good comment, but also note that when using Ruby inline (on the command line with -e), it is more likely to see double quotes: printf "Punkinhead the name" | ruby -ne 'puts gsub /. reduce(Module, :const Feb 10, 2020 · Ruby on Rail is widely known as a framework that can get your web app from 0–60 in a matter of hours. If you use hard quotes (') for the String objects or double the backslash characters (only for the Strings, though) then your tests should produce the same results. var = "variable" "this is a string with a #{var} in" => "this is a string with a variable in" Ruby gem (native extension in Rust) providing implementations of various string metrics. File. id) # or sprintf('%03d', user. Thank you Jan 20, 2022 · Initially, I would like to clarify that in the literal form of a string whatever is between single or double quotes gets evaluated as a string object, which is an instance of the Ruby String class. open(filename). grep(/string/) This loads the whole file into memory (slurps the file). 8, Strings are sequences of bytes and thus completely unaware of the encoding. pluralize unless count == 1 return count. Example : a Users controller, but a User model. First: undefined local variable or method `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' The \A and \z are anchors to the beginning and end of the string, otherwise you would match strings that contain any of the allowed characters, instead of strings that contain only the allowed characters. 1 Module ActiveSupport:: The reverse of pluralize, returns the singular form of a word in a string. Extract Date from string ruby. – schlegel11 As per Ruby on Rails convention, controller names get pluralized while model names are singular. I know you can count the number of times a letter appears in a string: string = "aabbccddbb" string. Japanese speakers will sometimes avoid the "shi" pronunciation because it's a homophone with (sounds the same as) 死 (death). Are regular expressions the answer? I felt this was a little overkill for the simplicity of finding a single character position in a pluralize(count, singular, plural_arg = nil, plural: plural_arg, locale: I18n. Learn how to replace parts of a string, how to find if a string includes another and many other string functions! With the single String argument string, returns a copy of string with the same encoding as string: s = String . classify # => "HelloWorld" I don't know if in pure Ruby there is a method for that. Dec 15, 2018 · I usually see Ruby on Rails books using. This question was asked a while ago, so I could be remembering it incorrectly; but I believe my intention at the time was to do some multi-line regex matching on the text of the file, so I did need the whole thing in memory (i. When using a regular expression based replacement, the normal humanize formatting is called after the replacement. 33. rindex( text ) return [ self ] if position_of_last_occurrence. *(the name)/, "Jonathans \\1"' because expression provided to -e is usually wrapped in single quotes. join end end # Add the following code and issue 'ruby minus_string. However the DSL is still subject to change. split(). With the COW Dec 3, 2006 · Railsters: Snack Recipe 10 in Chad Fowler's /Rails Recipes/ sez: <%= pluralize @recipes. May 25, 2017 · Here if args[1] == nil you're validating if the second value in ARGV is nil and setting it as 1, but then, in your while statement you're working with second_arg, which already has taken the value for args[1], so, most probably it won't pass your validation in: I have 4 string variables name, quest, favorite_color, speed that might be empty. inject('') { |res, s| res << s. ] # => ustin Hope that's handy for someone. I want to repeat characters in a string for a fixed amount. Although this is used mostly to remove separators such as \r\n I've used it to remove the last character from a simple string, for example the s to make the word singular. rb model instead). 'abcdefg' =~ /\Aabc/ Oct 27, 2013 · Here's a limited but useful other answer: I discovered I that I can easily insert into a regex without using Regexp. rb. escape if I just used single quotes on my input string: (an IP address match) Jan 16, 2014 · That is encoded as UTF-8 (unless you changed the original string encoding). rb class String def -(str) partition(str). locale) public Attempts to pluralize the singular word unless count is 1. Apr 27, 2015 · Ruby 2. all return nil if the string was not modified "abc". Your string joining example is not equivalent to the Java code. Put your arguments into an array and use on of these ways: (For more info look at the documentation for Kernel::sprintf. locale. The trick would be to make each reference to the literal a dup of the singular, hidden instance. 7 style when 's' then "'" else "'s" end end end #rspec examples describe "String#possessive" do it "should turn Steelers into Steelers'" do "Steelers". Remember to use a single-quoted string unless you want regular string interpolation to kick in, where backslash has a special meaning. squish so long multiline multiindented string STRING => "so long multiline multiindented string" As per the docs - squish() Returns the string, first removing all whitespace on both ends of the string, and then changing remaining consecutive whitespace groups into one space each. blank? are all true. Below is a long list of the string helpers many developers use daily. Jan 24, 2018 · To convert a string to number you have the to_i method. It is much faster and better than string concatenation. This does all the escaping needed and converts to a double quoted string: Returns the plural form of the word in the string. %Q{} and %q{} both transform what is inside curly brackets into a string but Q puts the string in double quotes "" and q into single quotes ''. However, in Ruby, this results in: "bonus". Suppose we want to create a “users” table in database which will hold the columns — username, email. If plural is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form. grep(/string/) here I don't have ruby env. Not Rails. ruby-on-rails; @Casey, Nathan is probably referring to 四 (four), which can be pronounced both "shi" and "yon". The advantage of constantize is that it works even with deeply nested namespaces, so you could do 'Functional::Collections::LazyList'. count('a') => 2 But if I search for how many times 'aa' appears in this string, I also get two. %{} transforms whatever is in curly brackets {} to a string. ) Dec 20, 2008 · In Ruby 1. 0. In this guide we only describe the API of the generated messages, and not the DSL. Nov 12, 2010 · But in this case, the following ruby statement will return true if the string on the left starts with 'abc'. ending = string[-n. In a soft (") quoted string, \* becomes a *, but /\*/ is really a backslash followed by a star. For example: str = 'abcde' temp = '' x = 8 for i in 0. Apr 13, 2013 · Now your project requirement will change and every String with three characters or more is no longer defined as String (i know its unusual ;)) Now you can change your own method easily. Sep 5, 2014 · You need to install a Gem called ActiveSupport. Sue me!) I can get to the Aspect Oriented Programming version that Inflector adds to strings: type = type. length != 0 Anyway, using that code inside an else if is a bit verbose, I would encourage you to define the present? method inside the String class. For example, model classes are always singular (Person), while the corresponding tables are always plural (people). inspect => "\"a\\nb\"" Normally if we print a string with an embedded line-feed, we'd get: puts "a\nb" a b If we print the inspected version: puts "a\nb". see this omniglot article for example: « The numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky in Japanese: 4, when pronounced shi, sounds like the word for death (死), and 9, when Jun 3, 2012 · It's the string interpolation operator, you use it to insert an expression into a string. all maps to select * from people. In : re. Personally, I'd prefer String#starts_with? over the actual String#start Jul 15, 2011 · string = <<MARKER I don't have to "worry" about escaping!!'"!! MARKER MARKER delineates the start/end of the string. Returns the plural form of the word in the string. May 2, 2015 · string = 'text contains "#{search. push(foobar) end Rails adds blank? method to class String, so that "". The OP asked for "a function to remove all whitespace", but then asked for "something like PHP's trim()". quote(your_string)}/ For example, . Barletta, Lou [R-PA-11] (Introduced 06/04/2015) And I want to extract the date which is "06/04/2015". By default, this parameter is set to :en. Nov 30, 2009 · I need to parse following String into a DateTime Object: 30/Nov/2009:16:29:30 +0100. inspect "a\nb" Assign the inspected version to a variable and you'll have the escaped version of the string. The \A in the regex literal on the right means 'the beginning of the string'. should == "Steelers'" end it "should turn sam into sam's" do Feb 20, 2010 · @Steven From Ruby's perspective, "0" * 999999 is treated as "0". Prior to Ruby 1. You can safely rely on Ruby strings being mutable, it's not going to change as it would break every single Ruby application in existence. size, 'unread recipe' %> I pluralize up in my model. To convert to lowercase, use downcase: "hello James!". join end def reverse! replace reverse end end str = "Marc-André" str. class String def possessive self + case self[-1,1]#1. You can create a String object explicitly with: A Oct 3, 2012 · I was using the JSON gem but for some reaosn it won't run on client's machine and since he is providing the JSON in a massive text file with one record per line, and all my script needs to do is shove each line up to a server via a third-party script, so we nixed the need for the JSON gem and it mostly works apart from the unescaped quotes. Do “extremely singular” functions exist? Jun 23, 2010 · Ah, thank you for your answer! I was not sure about Ruby on Rails convention of naming controllers in plural. 8. But one line Specifies a new singularization rule to transform plural words into singular forms. Supercharged Rails and Ruby String Helper Methods. 20. present? # do something else end Nov 7, 2010 · How can I extract a substring from within a string in Ruby? Example: String1 = "<name> <substring>" I want to extract substring from String1 (i. x if st Jun 16, 2010 · The Ruby equivalent of the builtin reverse could look like: # encoding: utf-8 class String def reverse each_char. You should avoid file slurping when dealing with large files. You can create a String object explicitly with: Converts a plural string to it’s singular form and replaces the current value of the string with this singular version. 1 will have a frozen string so that the object is not re-created every time that the interpreter runs across it, i. 1, and I'm using Plain Old Ruby Objects (no web frameworks). Dec 7, 2015 · File. 6: string = 'Austin' string[1. string` and it ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil) Attempts to pluralize the singular word unless count is 1. foobar = gets. nilorempty? mystring Jun 16, 2009 · Assume tokens is a array obtained by splitting a CSV line. Is there a simple and "Ruby oriented" way to do this? For example, given a string like this: str = "(This is (a test))" what I need is t Specifies a humanized form of a string by a regular expression rule or by a string mapping. (?!')",a) Out: ['foo', 'bar', 'size', "split('. format('%03d', user. split('::'). And because it's for the name of a class, I would like to classify that string, for instance (thanks Rails methods): "hello_world". String#[] in Ruby 1. By default, this parameter is set to May 31, 2016 · The ruby core itself has no support to convert a string from snake case to (upper) camel case (also known as pascal case). 7 while referring the the document of Ruby 2. class String A String object has an arbitrary sequence of bytes, typically representing text or binary data. now the functions like strip! chomp! et. reverse! str # => "érdnA-craM" str. blank?, " ". to_s. What workarounds are available? Background: The strings are plain ASCII, and I have access to ruby 1. 7: str[fixnum] => fixnum or nil String#[] in Ruby 2. If the optional parameter count is specified, the singular form will be returned if count == 1. Since Ruby 1. com Order Has Shipped" Dec 2, 2011 · I'm trying to convert an all-uppercase string in Ruby into a lower case one, but with each word's first character being upper case. Try puts "l\u0092issue" to see the rendered character, if your terminal font supports it. By default, this parameter is set to It's common to need to join strings, and in Ruby we have common ways of doing it: appending, concatenating and interpolating one into the other, or using the built-in concat method in String. The strings that I will be working with can change formats, so you can't rely on the colon being in the actual example. index('=')+1. Libraries » extlib (0. neely: I answered this question a long time ago, but read the question again, this time more carefully. String is mutable and Symbol is not: Because the String is mutable, it can be change in somewhere and can lead to the result is not correct. ')", 'last'] the regex above has Oct 24, 2016 · ['hi'] creates an array containing a string. Then do require lib/active_support/inflector/methods. Jan 14, 2015 · You get unexpected result because the return value of String#[] changed. The protocol compiler for Ruby emits Ruby source files that use a DSL to define the message schema. The example above is when the namespace is known ahead of time and highlights the fact that const_get can be called on modules directly as opposed to exclusively on Object . Mar 24, 2016 · How should I check whether a string starts or ends with a given string? There doesn't seem to be any built-in methods available (or maybe it's just the IDE I'm using that isn't having it show up: RDE) Kernel#format, or Kernel#sprintf can also be used:. You must define your own inflection rules for languages other than English. Aug 30, 2012 · Create a String#split_on_last method. Here are a few examples that I'm working Feb 1, 2010 · To get the last n characters from a string, I assumed you could use. (I generate a lot of HTML there. Aug 12, 2010 · For plain Ruby, you'd use Module. pluralize # bonus "bonuses". ) For routes, there's a concept of a singular resource as well as a plural resource. Note that ActiveSupport is part of Rails. strip! # => nil " abc ". my_long_string = <<-STRING. In ruby, get substring based on substring match. Is this a standard on Ruby on Rails? Jul 3, 2013 · Rails (3) has a lot of conventions when it comes to singular vs plural. ) Starting with: Aug 8, 2011 · How encode sequence of bytes into ruby string with characters. Compiler Invocation. May 31, 2011 · selecting from the beginning to a substring of a string in ruby. Example: convert "MY STRING HERE" to "My String Here". You have a few problems; let's take them one at a time. To undo the escaping, eval the string: Aug 19, 2010 · For example, I'm using "Bonus" as my model, so I'd expect "bonuses" to be the plural form and "bonus" to be the singular form. Symbol is immutable. A String object may be created using String::new or as literals. Jan 20, 2010 · I'm familiar with Ruby's include? method for strings, but how can I check a string for multiple things? Specifically, I need to check if a string contains "Fwd:" or "FW:" (and should be case insensitive) Example string would be: "FWD: Your Amazon. id) As a side note, Kernel#format or Kernel#sprintf are recommended over String#% due to the ambiguity of the % operator (for example seeing a % b in the code doesn't make it clear if this is integer modulo, or string format). @p11y She is using pure Ruby. When a string is used, the human form should be specified as desired (example: ‘The name’, not ‘the_name’). to_a creates an array from the enumerator so that the join method of Array can create the final output string. nil? || string. new ( "Que veut dire \u{e7}a?" ) s # => "Que veut dire \u{e7}a?" Nov 9, 2010 · It's called String#start_with?, not String#startswith: In Ruby, the names of boolean-ish methods end with ? and the words in method names are separated with an _. strip arr = [] if # the string in the variable 'foobar' isn't blank arr. To convert an array of strings you need to go through the array items and apply to_i on them. 2, avoid interning uncontrolled input strings for the purpose of comparison (with strings or symbols), because symbols are not garbage collected, and so you can open yourself to denial of service through resource exhaustion. count('aa') => 2 I don't understand this. Jul 26, 2011 · Explaining the difference between symbols and strings got me wondering why string literals aren’t treated similarly to symbols by the interpreter. If plural is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form for the given locale, which defaults to I18n. Oct 28, 2009 · @joel. It's generally more efficient to use one of those than to go through the trouble of comparing arrays. Therefore, 'stackoverflow' and "stackoverflow" both will evaluate instances of String class with no difference at all . constantize and get the class LazyList from the module Collections in the module Functional, whereas with const_get, you'd have to do something like 'Functional::Collections::LazyList'. e. everything within the last occurren Jun 20, 2009 · Ruby has a few methods for changing the case of strings. my_hash["abcd"f] = 123 Why can't the interpreter automatically detect that this string is not going to change and just automatically freeze it? A String object has an arbitrary sequence of bytes, typically representing text or binary data. Convert between singular and plural forms of English nouns. rwyhwy xtxkoxl lkcp xqvkr onvnm cdzv xcpkp yegjz mnozk qjgjbk