Highcharts pass data array We will cover the following topics: Data compression; Using the Data module; Custom preprocesssing; Live data; Data Before doing the manipulations we ensure to set our chartOptions objects series. I've created an array (myData) from a for loop and stored it in a variable, however I'm unable to plot the data via highcharts. I'm trying to get a simple (x,y) line graph. When an array with an additional value is passed (sensorValue in your case) it can be retrieved inside formatter using this approach:. Is there a way around it? And while you fetch that data, push points accordingly to each array. The actual data is represented as an array, by the data attribute, and can be presented in three ways: A list of numerical values. For the column series type, points can be given in the following ways:. Follow answered Apr 30, 2021 at 9:38. data (close to the bottom); however, I get a blank graph. userOptions. Modified 11 years, How to pass array in highchart ?? 0. For the column series type, points can be given in the following ways: An array of numerical values. series. log('the data arra So, if I click a slice, it would get the URL + parameter from the data array. pass additional information to Highcharts Usage. data and it made a graphI think my parser code is running after my Highcharts code. in the first elemets of the data array: Highcharts. I will get the points x and y data, extracting them one by one by now. The points with their markers are displayed correcty, but there is NO spline connecting the In that case, here are methods of plotting chart based on an array of data: - pass data directly to chart config in chart constructor: https://jsfiddle. Will your chart be a line chart? Highcharts Usage. What could be the issue? I have also tried passing variables with data directly to high charts but it isn't working //converting from json to string and saving in I am trying to populate a stacked bar highchart from JS arrays set in my page. Board Index; FAQ; Logout; Register; pass additional information to the data array for tooltip. data{[]} the JSON object. If you would like to pass some of your custom values into your point data, you have to structure it like an object, please see the demo below. But I am already using y for the activity gauge diagram. area. Torstein Hønsi CTO, Founder Highsoft. But how will I tell Highcharts that the third value is "Note"? If I directly assign data = obj, then in tooltip formatter I can say: After receiving my data, I am trying to organize them based on a line chart with 2 series, one for the ripe and one for the unripe and then to display their appropriate values on each dot with a tooltip with their R,G,B values. When I use their example code, and their example data. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? In this data series is a two-dimensional array. Then nest a few $. parsed. I have looked at the documentation but I cannot find any sample. series: [{ type: 'pie', name: 'Browser share', data: dataArrayFinal }] Share. I have the sources setup and I am able to pull data + convert to JSON, but I am having trouble passing the data off to Highcharts. You could then use this in a Highcharts call as: $('#chartContainer'). 'series '+n, data: myData[n] }) } // Now just create new Chart and pass an array of series var chart = new Highcharts. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. I'm trying to get familiar with Highcharts but I'm stuck with an apparently very simple issue. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? So, if I click a slice, it would get the URL + parameter from the data array. I'd recommend asking on general knowledge forum like Stack Overflow, where you will get the most accurate answer. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? I am creating an arearange chart in Highcharts. png). toString(var), I get this array [{'tom','1'},{'sawyer','2'}] but highcharts accept data only in this format ['tom','1','sawyer','2']. Extra question if I may? How would I pass categories, title and other options from c# server side, similar to series. Everything works fine when I pass values directly to the setData() function on my button onclick event. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for the help! EDIT: I pasted that 2D array from above into series. sales=data ; Skip to main content To pass dynamic json array to Highcharts Pie Chart. . data for the given series type, for example a line series would take data in the form described under series. Highcharts to populate data for pie chart using json object. series. Excelent, solutions, i was tryng your codes, but my chart do not show nothing, so, i was tracking my values that i pass like parameters, and my problem was that i sending my values like string, i solve this just converting my data with the parseInt() command. I am using the date array as the xAxis categories which somehow works, but I have also seen that highcharts can use by itself the datetime property but no data (what would be my dates array) is passed and when I apply it to my chart I get x labels like I'm trying to display a chart with highcharts. e, you should pass the array dataArrayFinal like below. This is an example of the json array from PHP I am passing back to a callbackfunction in javascript: [1315713600000,20,100] I am able to access this. I am creating a JSON array of dynamic objects and I am passing it to my JSP using AJAX. For the wordcloud series type, points can be given in the following ways: An array of arrays with 2 values. Highchart pie I am currently doing a web application where I am trying to pass data from a servlet to a JSP so that it can be used in a Highchart. If I manually copy and hardcode the array with single quotes, it works. I can get this to work when I manually define the dataset, but when I try to put the dynamic dataset in the same format, it does not seem to like it. Then initialize chart. Highcharts Usage. I draw a graph with 9 series. Alternatively, if you don't have control over the data structure, you may need to preprocess the data by setting up your own data parser. I call this array from a php script. myvar). This was a good thought, but unfortunately cloning the array this way doesn't clone the nested objects, so when you switch the series it still updates the nested array in the original charts array. Currently, this information is pushed into an array (landCover) and then the options for the chart are created. But the data is dynamic and the data is obtained via ajax. series[0]. each loops to parse and push the data into their necessary arrays, and populate the "name" of I have this array. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? I see that you spread the charts array into the new active array. For the area series type, points can be given in the following ways:. honsi Site Moderator Posts: 9215 Get Unix timestamps directly from MySQL, multiply them by 1000 when you print them to JavaScript, and pass them directly to Highcharts. I don't understand how to get the data into the series, as shown in the example. Get to know the talented individuals that bring Highcharts to life. Each series data is composed with 2 values : [time , value]. This is stored in an array with a more entries. Please can u tell what i have to exactly pass in order to have scatter chart generated with categories on x as well as on y axisHow exactly the data of the series should be specified. When using json_encode to format the php array, I still can't get highcharts to recognize the array. My problems is, Highcharts don't recognize the commas If you want to create dynamic data then you should use server side scripting. A. keys(regions). highcharts({ chart: { type: 'column' }, series: <%= jsonSeries %> }); However I'm having trouble drawing the gust speed chart because I can't find a way to use the time created and then the [3] index value from the array. I can easily separate the data into 3 arrays (series1, series2, series3 etc) but since each array is using a lot of the same data this seems wasteful especially since there's sometimes 8000 values. I have a java method which retrieves data from database and a bean which manages this data. url, but am getting caught up on passing the URL variable in the data array. Since there were no answer to my post, I guess that this is Dynamic array data in Highcharts. When you have more than 300 (the default) points in your series Highcharts won't be drawing points outside the visible area. Angular 7 - Dynamic HighChart update. Highcharts library is waiting for an array of floats as an input data, and you're trying to give it an array of strings. Here is an example of one of the ajax responses- X-axis categories- Array ( Hi Have managed to do this! Had to parse json. set series driildown data with looping from array. Highcharts - The JavaScript Charting Framework. using $. Using Arrays. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Send values from arduino to Highcharts. What all you should pass? see the below: Hello,I am trying to pass js array that is created from a sqlite query and pass that onto highcharts but it's not passing it due to some scoping issue. array), from data point properties that need to be represented as a full Highcharts (JS) data point object (stored in . But can i pass in a array of series names and array of data associated to it? like for example I have names as namesarray[] and data as array of arrays dataarray[][] Data for Highcharts can be a key value pair. I am using HighCharts for the data visualization as bar chart for one of the problems. Also, when using the fiddle you provided for example charts, adding a colour as 3rd element in one of the series arrays does not change the colour so I'd suggest that highcharts doesn't recognise this and you want to be sending the series data over as objects instead using {name: 'foo', y: 3, color: "#FFFFFF"}. x (1315713600000) and this. Note the difference in behaviour when Is there any way that I can write (in below code, i'm explaining that is it possible to call some function or an event that fetches data based on 2 parameters (backlog, index) and Data can be obtained using jQuery's $. get hovered point index: this. push($('#graph')[0]. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? Then in your getJSON function, you need to create a new object for each object you're pulling in, which also includes an empty "data" array (see "var series" below). Hot Network Questions Does using multiple batteries in series or parallel affect mAh. Use array data in highcharts. I got it working for static data, but I want to make it dynamic. Karol Angular-highcharts pushing data from api into highchart option. What I need is: How to make the PHP-file and handle the data correct AND how to make the function in the main file correct so that I actually get data into the charts. Then there are dates for the x-axis in another array, called dateArray16day. chart = new Highcharts. The x values will be automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and incremented by 1, or from pointStart * and pointInterval given in the series options. The "this" in the click callback is the point object getting clicked on. Just to clarify, I would like to be able to pass the arrays directly, rather than adding the data point by point using addPoint(). Highcharts adding array of I try to make a chart of the exchange rate, I make a request to the bank and get an array of objects with data about the rate. chart('container', options) // Create promises from fetch api My Array Values. Would be referenced in this. If i want to pass custom data for each point, please let I have a chart working fine with data in the options, when I leave the data empty for a series and try the below (so I can change the data depending on a click) it doesn't work, any ideas? Highcharts adding array of variable to series. So you just need to loop over the data and set that property. Its saying its totals are 80, and 2011. In this case, the values correspond to [hc-key, value I am having an issue getting the data series to populate using the HighCharts GANTT chart with JSON data. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Could any one post best way to pass data from Array of Object to Charts? First, to display the chart correctly, you need to provide data in a format understandable to highcharts. Passing JSON in variable to HighCharts. I create two numpy array (x1 and x2, type = numpy. I get the data via json and then add them to data just like this: function getGraphValues() { period. Code: Highcharts Developer. Related. data array to an empty array like this -> series: [{ data: []}]. Discover the team. You need to tweak your AJAX response object in your JS. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 2 months ago. The Highchart uses arrays to fill its data, and you are just returning a lot of objects side by side, with no actual acceptable format, now with the code bellow, you will print an array of objects stringified. Dynamic jSON into Highcharts Pie Chart. Pass data in highcharts. Download our logos or read about us in press. complete() to I am trying to feed the highcharts diagram with input data but face one problem. FROM MY HIGHCHARTS CODE You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Join the team. To pass dynamic json array to Highcharts Pie Chart. THanks so much for your continued help. Highcharts, pass Data from json on Column Click. However when I replace their json I tried to pass XML data for gauge chart , but am not getting data in it please help for this You should add your data as point, but you add empty data array, so chart cannot display any value. data_points). As far as I can see, the exact problem is in data type. Javascript - Highcharts - input data array of arrays. question that already has a 1000 different answers, but I'm just not getting it I have this php script reading a delimited file generating an array with jscript compatible timestamps, and I can convert it to json if that's the way to go: Hi, I'm just leaning highcharts, so pardon if this is a poor question What I'm trying to do is build a function where I can obtain all chart settings (title, series, chart type, etc) via JSON. chart1. Format Data for Highcharts: After all data is grouped by region, the function converts the regions object into an array format that Highcharts expects: — It uses Object. I think I need something like this xAxis: {categories: ['2018', I have a fuction to make my string array and pass this value to data inside highchart. I'm using api response to get the data and every time a user take a new qu I am trying to integrate a real-time spline graph visualisation into an MVC Web Application with data jQueried from MS SQL to emulate a real-time graph update with every query since the database will be migrated with constant new records too. But i would also like to add the id for each displayed bar because i have the bars clickable and with a click on a bar i would like to pass in the id of that individual bar so i can display page with another set of graphs particular to the item id that was This is why the DataPointCollection separates the data that can be represented as a primitive array (stored in either . Improve this answer is that yours has a property called "data" where Highcharts expects "y". Return false to stop The new data array is passed by reference (except in case of updatePoints), and may later be mutated when updating the chart data. 2. And if you’re familiar with NumPy, that looks just like a ndarray - and for good Categories and data for the series comes from two java arrays. option. is there any way to pass date series. Pass array from js for loop to highcharts series data. Here is my dat Pass array from js for loop to highcharts series data. Highcharts Angular with API data. In Highcharts, if you want to pass your data in an array, You cannot add any other custom values into an array. 1, 6. Highcharts: how to loop through array to add series. If you want to pass additional data for a point other than the x and y values, then you have to name that value. Highcharts data set array. I am ok with passing the "data" variables, because they are numbers. Is there any way that I can write (in below code, i'm explaining that is it possible to call some function or an event that fetches data based on 2 parameters (backlog, index) and create a array/list and pass it in highcharts) : data : [ getData(backlog='Created',array[0]), getData(backlog='Created',array[1]), getData(backlog='Created',array[2]) ] Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Got a column called ChartData in database with a string value of 4,11,25,36,50. Viewed 195 times 0 I have a chart in highcharts and i'm experiencing trouble passing through data. However, I am facing problems with passing a series data/category as an array. I have a question, about formating tool tip. But the chart is not plotting. aricaa Posts: 29 Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 7:08 am. data If this is not the answer to your question, could you send any example of the external chart and tell me on that example, what exactly do you want to find/achieve? I'm seeing data array entries that are null i. Learn how you can reach us. Basically, I have Job numbers in a table, and I want to pull those and make them the categories on the x-axis, eventually when a column is clicked for a specific job, it'll drill down for more columns (which add up to the total percentage of the job number). master chart shows 10 th date data as 4th date data. Contact Us. Can i pass custom data in this point like [[1,2,3, "abc:12"],[5,6,7,"abc:14"]. I want to show the data on charts and i am using dotnet highcharts for it For now i am able to pass data from controller to the view using JavaScript and the data is displaying accordingly but when i insert data or DB is updated i always have to refresh the page, but i want to display data whenever DB is updated on run-time. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 6 months ago. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Name Type Argument Default Description; data: Array. The PHP-file connects to a MYSQL database and rettrive data which is returned back as JSON data. But how will I tell Highcharts that the third value is "Note"? If I directly assign data = obj, then in tooltip formatter I can say: Check out Highcharts demos and examples to learn how to create interactive charts with Highcharts core, Highcharts Stock, Highcharts Maps, Highcharts Gantt, and Highcharts Dashboards. chart('container', { xAxis: { type: 'datetime Read only. Want to know how dynamic data is passed to drill down. If objects - add more info as next property. Learn how Highcharts started as Torstein's humble quest for a simple charting tool. Modified 7 years, 2 months ago. data doesn't contain all the points. data array var data = new Array(); data. data. In this case, the numerical values will be interpreted as y options. Hot Network Questions Is there any family history for Klaus Stortebeker? Yes, but at the series level, not the point one, in case you for example need to pass over the same custom data for all points at once. An array containing those values converted to points. Then pass that to the chart. Hot Network Questions Consciousness: irreducible Is there no way to pass objects to highcharts and then manipulate them with some options? javascript; highcharts; Share. The name attribute gives the series a name, which shows up when hovering over the series in a chart and in the legend. On this forum we help with questions strictly related to Highcharts and frankly speaking your question is not related at all. I am NOT I am trying to pull financial stock data of multiple companies from CSVs and display the data as separate series in a Highcharts/Highstocks line chart. In it, it should be the title of the graph, the units, and clearly, the data. Also, in case a series is hidden, the data array may be empty. While chartData is probably an So let's start with with basics and get your database data into an array of Highchart series objects using JSON: This for Highcharts is an array of series objects. the two-dimensional input data array directly, before they are interpreted into series data and categories. Passing dynamic categories in highcharts 4. , series: [{}, {}] } // Create chart without values const chart = Highcharts. from 1 to [1]) and see second 'if'. High Charts - Populating Data From Array. Here's the resulting x gave me an array that I could then use to display the data with the data field in the object notation. Improve this answer. 0. for example: I have data for 1,2,3 dates and then 10 th date of month but i dont have data for dates 4,5,6,7,8,9. I need to insert in the xaxis label an array. What will you learn in this tutorial? 1. In case of cropping, the data array may contain undefined values, instead of points. If series' data is an array with arrays, then you could add additional string with more info to each data point's array and set keys for series (mentioned in my precious post). For the map series type, points can be given in the following ways: An array of numerical values. A callback function to access the parsed columns, the two-dimensional input data array directly, before they are interpreted into series data and categories. Board Index; FAQ; Logout; Is there a way to bound the series chart to a data array? Currently the design as I understand is that the series has a name and data associated to it. how to Highcharts. In the first, your custom option is stored in the series object, and not that point. I wanna be able to pass data from java to the series data. getJSON (or AJAX call). But can i pass in a array of series names and array of data associated to it? Since data is a array type, you can use arrays for the values like . But the weird thing is when I do an alert, it shows me the array. For now I have to get the array and using replace function to get the correct format but all this has to be done manually. In this case, the numberical values will be interpreted and y values, and x values will be automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and incrementing by 1, or from pointStart and pointInterval given in the plotOptions. I'm working with python 2. In the second you are passing an array of point objects to the first series. Is there a way to bound the series chart to a data array? Currently the design as I understand is that the series has a name and data associated to it. the real data comes from a database, and all work if it is like so. net/BlackLabel/j8watzbL/ - use First, to display the chart correctly, you need to provide data in a format understandable to highcharts. When I debug the code and analyze arrSereies then it shows values like below [Object{name="dilip",data=[1440]}] Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company So, if I click a slice, it would get the URL + parameter from the data array. Welcome to the Highcharts JS (highcharts) Options Reference. data. dnarray) and I pass to Highcharts. These pages outline the chart configuration options, and the methods and properties of Highcharts objects. how to set dynamic data in highcharts. map. 7, jinja2, flask and Highcharts. How can I get the date to be the value of the x-axis, and the two data fields to be one series each? Can Highcharts access it directly? In most of these cases you can use our built-in data parsing features from the Data module. 96 ) Now simply what I want to add this data to my highcharts I am passing above array like my below code. I have a 2-dimension-Array with values for Inductance and Current. and arrSeries is the series array which I pass to highchart series. We'd love to help you. 0, -1. I have explored using this. The data in a series. An array of numerical values. service. NET; Highslide JS - The JavaScript Image and Media Viewer Highslide JS Usage Highslide Editor Highslide FAQ News Javascript - Highcharts - input data array of arrays. To access raw - first, add form, use javascript to get values from inputs and put to data array. parse // Create the chart window. Now Highcharts will pick up the first two values in the array as x and y. applepear Posts: 2 Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:21 pm. they do not hold a Point instance. I want to use each array (set as a var) to populate the series and the x-axis categories respectively. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 3 months ago. Now I understand what is the issue with your data. torstein. I'd like to pass some graph parameters via a JSON array to the graph. 00 [Introduction to Programming] => 3. ndarray or . getSales(). {type}. Press. Passing an array from jsp to java script. The array is called $day. Highcharts support team. Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:09 am. Trying to assign this value to a hidden variable so JS can read the value of this and put this value in the data option using high charts. I have tried separate 3 arrays, one for each column and I have tried all 3 columns in one array, but I haven't found an example or directions on how to convert an array to what the chart is expecting. Return false to stop completion, or call this. See jsfiddle (working). js recently and have ran into a small issue. for x-axis point, use name key and for y-axis point, use y key. Below is an example of one object that is passed as data. Try this: Use an array of objects for series data in Highcharts. data = columnOne; Thank you James for pointing out. I tried converting the java arrays to strings and using the solution given in Highcharts how to use JavaScript variable as series data source?. how to use object as series for Highcharts. However, I can't figure out how to update the chart with the data. See if this is doable since there are no other options left to try but to hard code values. How can I use that data to display a chart? Use array data in highcharts. 3. In case the series data length exceeds the cropThreshold, or if the data is grouped, series. What doesnt seem to work are the categories. Instead, simply paste the entire first object in the charts array into the active array and then it works. Thank you for this, much appreciated. Highcharts - Passing Data for Flags in Array. The x values will be automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and incremented by 1, or from pointStart and pointInterval given in the series options. NET; Highslide JS - The JavaScript Image and Media Viewer Highslide JS Usage Highslide Editor Highslide FAQ News Thank you for this, much appreciated. line. I've added an array (arr) containing numbers (i. How to format my json data for stack column chart in HighCharts. Array ( [Power Electronics] => 14. Highchart generate array series. Share. Again i am loading data from an array as shown here. But if I save my datas in arrays, when I use setData(), the function overwrites the first array with the second. series:[{ data:[{ name:finalarrayname(array which contains data names), y:finalarrayvalue(array which I have been trying to learn to use Highctarts. from the array am directly sending the values to charts js and its working fine. - second, generate empty chart (without data), add form, use javascript to get values from inputs and use setData() / addPoint() / addSeries() functions which are described in the our documentation : So, there is a whole bunch of data in an array, called dataArr. This works perfectly on initial load (see initload. (function ($, window, myapp) { $(document). This doesn't appear to be anything to do with JSX or Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The issue is I am able to get the 2 output arrays from JSP that I need to pass in the highchart JS for generate a column graph. Passing dynamic data in highcharts. net/5Lb14j4z/ An array of objects with named values, i. cropThreshold parameter. 4. Pervez Posts: 8 // I concatenate the two columns so the Data array will have the format : [x,y] Data = Date. In this case, the numerical values will be interpreted as value options. column. I have looked on highcharts documentation but it doesnt seem to explain to me how i should pass the data to the chart container. What I need to do is be able to pass into the series. As our master detail chart shows data that is stored in series data array but when i am passing it data throug php array its taking it continuously. In this case, the numerical values data. And I need to transfer the values from the objects to the array that is displayed on the chart Now Highcharts will pick up the first two values in the array as x and y. In PHP you can simply get that using strtotime() and multiply the result by 1000 (PHP returns seconds, JS needs miliseconds). I'm trying to pull data from a mysql table and set it as the x-axis categories but I don't quite understand how. z (100) if it's at all possible. I want to pass this 200 value, but it does not display any data other than y value. custom. Use HTML Textbox value as a HighCharts Percentage. Note: The series object is an array, meaning it can contain several series. UTC(2012, 7, 6),title: 'On series'} Is not getting rendered. So, if I click a slice, it would get the URL + parameter from the data array. passing js array to Data from Array of object? Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:29 pm. I am trying to create a Pie Chart where I can switch from two data series with a button. type option might interest you: I use PHP to request data in my table in SQL and I pass arrays from PHP to Json via Json_encode function. It is not rendered. getJSON) then make sure that it has a correct Two-dimensional data can be passed to Highcharts plot in two ways: An array of arrays of (x,y) pairs, i. Highcharts - The JavaScript Charting Framework Highcharts Usage Highcharts Stock Highcharts Maps Highcharts Gantt Highcharts Dashboards Highcharts Cloud; Wrappers - The Official Highcharts Wrappers Highcharts . <Highcharts. Here is an updated fiddle (I noticed the one I posted first had the incorrect variable in the chart) Highcharts Developer. HighCharts and Javascript to pass data as array. As soon as I start to try to convert the JSON array from a simple "data" array to one which can hold more information, it doesn't work anymore. PointOptionsType> Takes an array of data in the same format as described under series. Currently i have my bar chart displaying a bar chart graph and for each bar the title and the data value is shown with no problem. Eureka! By default, Highcharts will accept several different types of input for the data of a series, including. ]. 28 [Object Oriented Analysis and Design] => 1. I want to create a pie chart with a dynamic data in highchart so I create this method : pieData :any=[]; getPiedata() { this. deviceID = user. How to display array in array on Highcharts? [JS] 0. y (20) in the tooltips, but cannot access this. In that case, here are methods of plotting chart based on an array of data: - pass data directly to You can pass custom data by setting data array with json. I hope I understood correctly what is your issue and the demo posted below will be helpful for you. series in the formatter function (either directly or through a sub object such as this. Passing two static arrays to category and data in jsfiddle plots the chart. DEMO: So, if I click a slice, it would get the URL + parameter from the data array. But I really need to pass the array from php to highcharts' js via variables. get series. I use the next code but it doesn't print what I wish Hi, I have an array with dates and another array with frequencies for each date the idea is to chart an histogram. Here I have text values for the individual data points. Here is a working fiddle (without click), assuming I keep my data array as is, any thoughts on how I can add a click to each slice? You're trying to pass strings, but you have to pass valid JS Date. I pass arr[1] to series. The totals are If series' data is an array with numbers, then you will have to change it to array (i. But its not working in highcharts. In short: if you can pass data into your page/code (e. i. Come join us building the future of Highcharts. charts[0]. Why is that/how do I fix I wanna start by saying that this is an amazing charting tool, kudos developers. png) of a certain time range of data but the moment we pass in another data set, the x axis does not rescale (see 2nd load. Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container' }, series: series }); I want to plot some data using stacked percentage column. obviously this is just the structure of the call, built on the examples i found in highcherts. Now would be nice to get just the data array, instead of the point objects; not sure if HighCharts is capable to do so. http://jsfiddle. redraw: boolean <optional> true Whether to redraw the I am trying to implement high charts(pai chart) in my system where I am trying to pass the the value of data from a variable which contains the value in exact array manner that data required, alert( I am converting json to string and saving the content in an arrays. which format it should be? but using this array data_dual in the series will just render a chart with blank. I feel that you should do something like this (if you have any array of cities): Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company In your first example you are passing an array of series objects to options. subscribe(data => { this. innerHTML); But it does not look like that when I pass it back - The alerted value you see as you open the fiddle is what I am passing into the data. So what I got: I have a line charts: I have a problem with passing data to Highcharts chart. Viewed 936 times 0 I am trying to render 3 flags (experimenting with flags) in a candlestick chart in Highchart, but the flag {x: Date. 5, 3. I read about parsing JSON into 2D JS array I'm using angular 11, typescript I have this array structure that I want to import in highcharts, but I don't know how to. myData = [4. e not via the for loop) to test and it works when using this array. Modified 12 years, 3 months ago. I am trying to pass an Array as a variable, with Javascript, into a HighCharts graph. UTC number - means number of mili seconds since 1st of Jan 1970. index use the point index to get additional value from this. point. 5, 7. Data to this chart is passed as an array of array like [[1,2,3],. ready(function { console. map() to create a new array. Is there a way around it? OK folks, I'm sorry to be asking a F. Passing dynamic chart type in highcharts 3. In the options, series section contains data: landCover. Will your chart be a line chart? If so, here you can see in what I have data in a JSON array as follows: [{"Date":2011-3-1 8:15:00),"y":10,"Note":"This is note 1"}, {"Date":2011-3-1 9:15:00),"y":20,"Note":"This is note 2"}] I would like to push this series. StockChart({chart : {renderTo : 'divChart'}, rangeSelector : {selected : 2 instead of passing a one dimensional array I need to pass 2D array. An array of data points for the series. json file it works. — Then, it adds the country’s emission data (name and value) to the respective region’s array. Scatter chart with data from array. Right now the problem is the graph is completely vertical, and it is receiving the wrong points for the graph. g. pass additional information to And your series stuff should look like below. Viewed 641 times 0 I am passing dynamic array data to pie chart in high chart. I trying to dynamically populate the Series field with data. 1. Example: data: [0, 5, 3, 5] An array of arrays with 2 values. This becomes the y values. I've found out where the problem stems from: the plotOptions. I created a string which looks something like this: string = "'One','Two','Three','Four'"; Hello,I am trying to pass js array that is created from a sqlite query and pass that onto highcharts but it's not passing it due to some scoping issue. I created a multi Y-axis highchart with static data. data: columnOne or more literally. data: [ ['Lorem', 4], ['Ipsum', 1] ] Your data is a String, it needs to be an array of array, where the inner array consists of two elements, the first being the key as string, and 2nd the value in numeric form. e. Unfortunately, it is not working. wordcloud. 4 posts • Page Highcharts - The JavaScript Charting Framework Highcharts Usage Highcharts Stock Highcharts Maps Highcharts Gantt Highcharts Dashboards Highcharts Cloud; Wrappers - The Official Highcharts Wrappers Highcharts . timestamp should be an array of strings (example: ['a It's a Java library providing an API with which you can create a chart options object for Highcharts with any data you want, something like this: Options options = new I have to show some results of an experiment in a line chart. But it didn't work. In this case, the values correspond to name,weight. Passing dynamic title in highcharts 2. In the following example I add the following three additional values to each data point: { y: 3, locked: 1, unlocked: 1, potential: 1, } Then to access and display those values in the tooltip I use the following: Hello,I am trying to pass js array that is created from a sqlite query and pass that onto highcharts but it's not passing it due to some scoping issue. 3]; Share. Chart: Json: The problem is, the data from the json (Count and Date) go on the Y-axis. Follow Are you wary of depending solely on the order of elements in the data array for determining which category the elements belong to? If so, I think the xAxis. Please help me with this $. 92 [Data base Management System] => 3. Improve this question. inhfd xwkvp fag owltngx iyh gjene ncggk vke tjyiiy ckxp